Lenz Configuration Notes
Some notes I made...
Change LH100 Address | F9 - SYS
0 - LHNR.01 CI - enter new address Enter ESC |
Display Information | F9 - 7 - Command Station Name
F9 - 8 - Command Station Version F9 - 9 - LH100 Version |
LZV100 | POM, select any loco address
Write 50 to CV7 : F8 - PROG, Enter, -, Enter, 50, Enter, value, Enter within 15 seconds write... 5 - set Max current to 2.5A (+1 for 0.5A increase) 10 - set Max current to 5A 28 - set voltage to 14v (+1/-1 for 0.5v increase/decrease) 92 - Railcom off 93 - Railcom on 96 - Display Version (count blinks) 99 - Reset to Factory Defaults |